
it is not often....

.....that i cannot muster the courage to talk to someone face to face, this is that rare occasion. so, i have retreated and am hiding behind the safety of my keyboard.

about 2 years ago now i became highly active with Generation Now http://www.gen-now.org/ and in doing that i came under the authority, instruction and teaching of Pastor Craig Dyson. he has become a great mentor in my life as well as a trusted friend and dare i say a brother. these are words that i never toss around lightly, friend, mentor, brother and the like. rather these are words that i hold in high esteem. i liken him to a brother because that is what he has become. God has used this man in my life to encourage me, stretch, dash my lofty thoughts of self proclamation and at the same time i have stood on his back so i could see what he was trying to show me all along. i have learned sacrifice, discipline and how to love others in a deeper way. Craig, i truly don't have all the words to tell you what your friendship has meant to me.

Cara, i think that we were separated at birth. i mean think about; were both from the NW......well that's really all i have to support my argument. really what i'm trying to say is that you have become a sister to me. i thank you for your prayers and your friendship. you are a great woman of God and i'll never forget what you have taught and very often you have taught me without words. thank you for your dedication to myself and Christa, it will never be forgotten.

you guys are leaving for Montana on Saturday (in case you forgot!). if i had my way i would stop you.....wait, no i wouldn't. here is why, because this is what God has for your lives and if you were to stay and strive you would be miserable. the one thing that i have been told by you guys is to walk out what God has for my life.

i (we) expect to hear mighty things coming out of Montana and i (we) expect it soon!

i'm out of words, so i'll use Craig's instead.

"Don't despise the journey."


Anonymous said...

Thanks bro. This means a lot to me. I love you very much.

Anonymous said...

So were you trying to make me cry more? Ha ha. This is amazing, thank you. We expect to continue this journey with you guys in one way or another...can't wait to see what God has for you guys! You truly are like a brother to me. Love you guys so much.